English All Stars

English Allstars Programme

This programme is designed to give students opportunities to communicate in English. The students will participate in enjoyable activities in a relaxed atmosphere.

Preference will be given to students who are confident in using oral English.Class teachers will recommend students for the programme.Students will play oral language games, do chants and rhymes, play listening games, and do role plays. They will read and complete meaningful writing tasks too. Students may also participate in short debates.

Regular weekly attendance is expected. Students who do not attend regularly will not be invited to joining the programme.





上課時間: 逢星期四  3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
上課地點: 英語室
負責老師: Mr Awais 及 陳淑怡老師
Apps Utilization

 Adobe Spark:

Adobe Spark is one of the apps we used for the Junior Level English Allstars. This app easily combines video clips, photos, and icons into one engaging video. Texts can also be added afterwards. On top of that, all these features are very straightforward thus making it an user-friendly app and incredibly easy to use.



 Book Creator:

Another one of the apps we use for the Junior Level English Allstars is called the “Book Creator”. This app is ideal for making all kinds of books, including children’s pictures books, comic books, photo books, journals, textbooks and many more. Once the user is has created his/her book it is extremely easy to share the book, or even publish it on the iBooks Store!

<center>English All Stars</center>