鍾慧琛副校長的話 We All Have Superpowers ▼

Do you know that we all have superpowers to change the world? My dear students, it’s all about being kind. We live in a world where people can be mean to each other, animals can be mistreated, and our planet suffers from pollution. But here’s the amazing part: each one of you has the incredible power to bring about positive change.

  “If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind”, a quote taken from American philosopher, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

Being kind means being nice to others. It means treating everyone with respect and love, no matter who they are. Have you ever seen someone who is sad or feeling left out? In those moments, you have the chance to be there for them. A kind word or a friendly smile can brighten someone’s day.

Animals are our friends, and they deserve our kindness too. At our school, we have taken a special step to show you how to be kind towards animals. Having 3 pairs of adopted lovebirds and the pet reptiles I am keeping in the school, you are given the opportunity to develop empathy and a deep understanding of the importance of treating animals with love and care. Interacting with these beautiful creatures, I hope you can develop responsibility and compassion to animals and learn how to build the connection between all living things. You have the chance to show them love and care.

Besides, our beautiful planet needs our help too. We can be kind to the environment by taking care of it. Simple things like picking up trash, not wasting water or electricity, and recycling can make a big difference. When we are kind to the environment, we are also being kind to all the plants, animals and human that call it home. Let’s choose actions that help protect and preserve our Earth.

I want you to remember that every one of you has the power to make the world a better place. Always choose kindness. So, let’s be kind to others, be kind to animals, be kind to the environment and make kindness our superpower!














運動員往往要在比賽中與競爭對手拼耐力、賽意志、比鬥心,直到比賽完場的一刻……相比一般人,運動員的心態要很正向,在比賽中,要深切明白「一勝一負.兵家常勢」的道理。2021年7月26日,張家朗代表中國香港出戰東京奧運花劍決賽,以15比11擊敗上屆金牌得主——意大利的Daniele Garozzo,成為自1996年以來,首名取得奧運金牌的中國香港選手。花劍的比賽形式是要求劍手能夠以劍刺中對方的方式得分的,同時,花劍需要取得進攻權。例如,在劍擊比賽裏,雙方同時用花劍刺中對方,那麼有進攻權的一方則能得到分數。張家朗分享為何能在東京奧運比賽時能戰到最後一分,使電子分牌上的15分標誌着他個人努力的成就,是因為本着「永不放棄」的體育精神。要從比賽落敗的形勢中,一分、一分,再一分地追上去,要擁有強大的意志和良好的運動員心態。「堅毅拼搏」正是省校運動的體育核心價值。各位親愛的同學,老師今天送你三句金句:





